Three year P.G. Degree Course
(Semester System)
Candidates shall be admitted into P.G.Degree Courses strictly in accordance with the rank secured at the entrance test, if any, or rank determined on the basis of the marks other criteria determined by the University from time to time, following the rules of reservation of seats for various categories of students.
The duration of the P.G.Degree Course is of one/two/three academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The two semesters in the first academic year are referred to as Semester I and Semester II and the two semesters in the second academic year are referred to as Semester III and Semester IV. For three year course, the third academic year will have semester V and VI. Each semester shall comprise of 16 weeks of instruction. -
The candidates have to complete three years of P.G.Course within 6years from the year of joining the course. -
The Post Graduates Degree in the concerned faculty will be conferred on a candidate who has pursed a regular course of study for one /two /three academic years as prescribed in the scheme of instruction and has passed all the examinations as prescribed in the scheme of examination. -
- Candidates shall put in attendance of not less than 75% in aggregate in the prescribed subjects in each semester including field work , practical, project work, seminars, extension work etc. Condonation of shortage of attendance may be granted by the Principal of the college to the candidate who have put in 60% and above (but less than 75%) attendance of Medical Grounds on production of medical Certificate froma registeredMedical Practitioner and also on payment of prescribed condonation fees.
- Participants in N.C.C/N.S.S. Special/N.I Camps or Inter-collegiate or Inter-University or Inter-State or National or International Matches or Debates, Youth festivals or Educational tours, if they form part of the curriculum, or such other Inter-University , Inter-College activities as absence . However , the total period of such absence shall not exceed four weeks in a semester.
- Candidates who have put in les than 60% of attendance are not eligible for grant of condonation on shortage of attendance and also they are not eligible to appear in the University examination of that semester. Such candidates shall have to repeat the regular course of study of the corresponding semester in subsequent academic year in order to become eligible to appear for the examination . The seats of candidates admitted for repetition of the semester be treated as extra seats over and above the sanctioned strength.
- Attendance shall be reckoned from the date of commencement of instruction as per the academic calendar. However , in the case of candidates admitted later (but within the stipulated time) the attendance will be reckoned from the date of admission.
- To enable students to know their attendance at the end of each month, the concerned Heads of Departments shall display cumulative attendance for information.
- Instruction in various subjects shall be provided by the college as per the Scheme of instructions and syllabi prescribed.
- At the end of each semester, University examinations shall be held as prescribed in the scheme of examination.
- Each theory paper carries 100 marks of which 70 marks are earmarked for semester-end examination and 30 marks are earmarked for internal assessment to be awarded by the teacher concerned on the basis of two internal tests for 20marks, 5 marks for class room performance and 5 marks for attendance. Two internal tests are conducted and the performance of the best of two will be taken. However if a student fails to take the tests/seminar/group discussion, no supplementary internal tests/seminar/group discussion, will be conducted. No minimum qualifying marks is prescribed in case of internal assessments.
- If any student fails to get marks in internal assessments or abstains for the internal assessments test, he/she has to get required marks in the semester end examination for a pass.
- There will be double valuation of theory papers of semester-end examination. In case of difference of above 20% of marks between the two valuations, it will be sent for a third valuation. In such cases the nearest two beneficial to the student will be taken for the purpose of declaring the results. There is no provision for revaluation /personal verification of answer scripts.
- Candidates who have put in the necessary attendance in a semester shall be permitted to continue the subsequent semester, irrespective of whether they have appeared or not at the semester-end examination, provided they have registered in all papers for the semester-end examinations. Registration means obtaining a hall ticket for the said examination.
- Practical examination in the even numbered semester (II,IV&VI) of Post-graduate courses may be conducted by external examiner appointed by the university from the panel of experts. The practical examinations in the remaining semesters (I,III&V)may be conducted by the internal examiners drawn from the same department/college.
- Under semester system there will be no supplementary examinations.
- ARTS AND COMMERCE A candidate should secure a minimum of 40% of marks in each semester-end theory paper of the University Examination (i.e. 32 marks out of 80 marks) and a minimum of 40% of total marks (i.e. 40 marks out of 100 marks) for a pass. In the case of dissertation/project work/field work/seminar/any such other assignment, where there is no internal assessment mark a candidate has to secure 40% for a pass.
- SCIENCE FACULTIES A candidate should secure a minimum of 50% of marks in each semester-end theory paper of University Examination/ Practical(i.e. 40marks out of 80 marks) and an aggregate of 50% of marks of all the papers of the semester for a pass. Further, a candidate should secure a minimum of 50% marks in seminar/project work/field work/dissertation / any such other assignment for a pass. If a candidate fails to secure an aggregate of 50% marks for a pass in a paper of a semester he/she has to secure 50% marks in such individual paper/papers (Semester-end examination + internal marks put together) in the subsequent examination.
- M.C.A Course A candidate should secure a minimum of 40% of marks in each semester-end theory paper of university examination/practical ( i.e. 28 marks out of 70 marks) and a minimum of 40% of total marks of each theory paper/ practical (i.e. 40 marks out of 100 marks) and an aggregate of 50% marks of all the semesters for a pass. Further, a candidate should secure a minimum 50% marks in seminar /project work for a pass.
Award of Division
Candidates who have passed all the examinations of the P.G.Degree course shall be awarded classes/ divisions in accordance with the total aggregate marks secured by them in all semester examinations taken together.
Division Percentage Aggregate* First Class with Distinction 70% aggregate or more. First Class 60% aggregate or more but less than 70%. Second Class 50% aggregate or more but less than 60% Third Class 40%and above but less than 50% First Class/ Second Class is awarded to a candidate as per the above classification, provided he/she completes the course within the three years from the year of joining the Two Year P.G. course and Four years from date of joining the three year P.G. course.
There is no third class in courses of Master of Laws, Master of Education, Science Faculties andM.C.A.
However, candidates who have passed the examinations in the first attempt along with the batch in which they are admitted will be eligible for the award of First Class with Distinction.
- In case of one year P.G. Diploma course First Class/Second Class is awarded to a candidate who completes the course within two years from the year of joining the P.G. Diploma Course.
Only those candidates who appear and pass the examination in all the papers of each semester at first appearance are eligible for the award of ranks provided they have secured a minimum of Second Class.
Only those candidates who appear and pass the examination in all the papers of each semester at first appearance are eligible for the award of Gold Medals and Prizes. The award of Gold Medals/Prizes is also subject to the other conditions prescribed for the respective GoldMedals/Prizes.
The candidates are eligible to improve their aggregate % of marks in each semester separately or in all the semesters put together, provided they have passed the whole examination but secured less than 60% on the aggregate. Candidates who seek improvement in the aggregate % of marks ( in a semester or in all the semester put together) to 60% and above are eligible to betterment examinations even in individual papers in which they have already secured 60% or above. But, no candidate who has already secured 60% or more marks in the aggregate either in the normal course or through betterment examination shall be eligible to appear for betterment examinations. Regular study candidates can appear for betterment examinations for each semester along with subsequent examinations only after passing in all papers of preceding semester - end examination. They can also appear betterment examinations of any semester after passing the course, subject to other conditions prescribed. However, there is no provision for betterment of marks secured at internal tests.
Three chances are given for betterment examinations. For purpose of classification, only such examination, betterment or otherwise, which is completed within the period of three years from the date of joining Two year P.G. course and Four years from the date of joining Three year P.G. course shall be taken into account. After above prescribed period marks secured at the betterment examination shall not be taken into account for awarding a class. However, these marks will be added for improvement of the percentage of marks of the candidate. The candidates have to pay prescribed betterment fees for every appearance.
- ANU implements the "Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)" in all PG Courses offered under the jurisdiction of AcharyaNagarjuna University w.e.f. 2013-2014.
- To maintain uniform total credits of 50,100,150 and 250 respectively for 1,2,3 and 5 year P.G. Courses for all 2,4,6 and 10 semesters put together(fixing 25 credits per each semester). However there is flexibility in fixing total credits for professional courses.
- Every paper offered in each of PG Courses may have Lecture (L), Practical (P) and / or Tutorial (T) components associated to it.
- Generally Lecture component in each of the papers will have 4/5 credits, whilePractical/Tutorial will have 3/2 credits. Depending on the requirements of a particular course, the BOS of the particular course may prescribe project/dissertation is to be decided by them, Subject to a maximum of 10 credits and not violating recommendation No.2 above.
- Evaluation of each paper will be done to a maximum of 100marks including internal component of 30 marks(20 marks test+5 marks seminar+5 marks attendance) as usual. After evaluation, Assignment of Grade Letter and Grade Point (GP) to every paperis allotted as shown below at the end of each semester.
- Only Grades obtained in each paper will be shown in the marks memorandum to be issued to the students in every semester.
- n each semester, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) shall be computed as follows (the following table shows Grades obtained by a student in all 4 semesters)
- At the end of the course ,Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA)shall be calculated as follows:
- A science student has to secure a minimum of 'E' Grade in each paper and also a minimum SGPA of 6.0 points (D Grade) in any Semester to clear that semester. Suppose any student gets 'E'
Grade in two or more papers but fails to get an overall SGPA of 6.0 (D Grade), Then he/she is free to reappear any of the paper(s) in which the student got E Grade of his/her choice in the subsequent
Note: Similar clause is to be defined for (i) Arts and Commerce (ii) Law(iii) M.Ed. and (iv) MCA as per rules and Regulations of semester system in Post Graduate Degree/Diploma courses
effective fromAcademic year 2002-03 onwards.
- Aggregate Percentage (AP) & Class will be shown in the transcript in addition to the Grade obtained by the student.
- In order to full fill "Choice Based System" every student shall choose two Non-Core mandatory papers one each in 4th and 5th semesters in addition to the core papers prescribed for the course in which he/ she was admitted and these two papers shall be chosen from other disciplines.
- The grades secured for the Non-Core papers mentioned in (11) above will not be considered in the computation of CGPA, but students should get minimum of 'E' Grade to clear the Non-Core papers and will be vividly displayed in the transcript and this will only indicate his/her exposure to other disciplines, which may have added advantage in placements.
- Each department shall have to identify two Non-Core papers to be offered to the students of other disciplines.
- The departments shall have to design the time-table in such a way that core papers to be offered are to be accommodated from Monday to Thursday only; 11.00A.M -1.00 P.M on Friday and Saturday are to be reserved for Non-Core papers in 2nd and 3rd Semesters (4th and 5th semesters in case of MCA).
SI.No Range of Marks Grade Letter Grade Point 1 >=90 and <=100 O 10 2 >=80 and <=90 A 9 3 >=70 and <=80 B 8 4 >=60 and <=70 C 7 5 >=50 and <=60 D 6 6 >=40 and <=50 E 5 7 <40 F Zero 8 ABSENT - - Paper No. Credits(CR) Sem-1 Sem-2 Sem-3 Sem-4 1 5 A B A B 2 5 B C B A 3 5 C B A O 4 5 D E B A Practical(Two Practical's put together) 5 E A B C
Conversion of CGPA to Percentage:Aggregate Percentage (AP) = CGPA * 9.5 For example, If CGPA=7.85, the Aggregate Percentage (AP)=7.85*9.5=74.58