MCA 306: Java Programming Lab

Lectures: 6 Periods/Week Sessional Marks: 30
University Exam: 3 Hours University Examination Marks: 70

Lab Cycle

  1. Program to Demonstrate labeled looping Statements.
  2. Find Volume of a box using classes.
  3. Program to guess a coin flip.
  4. Count the number of heads and tails in a series of a coin flips.
  5. Demonstrate type conversions.
  6. Implement operations on complex numbers.
  7. Implement the following bank operations
    1. withdraw
    2. deposit
    3. Transfer
  8. Demonstrate date class.
  9. Implement Method Overloading.
  10. Implement Constructor Overloading.
  11. Program to Demonstrate on Static variables and methods.
  12. Product Company Modeling – Multilevel Inheritance.
  13. Payroll System – Hierarchical Inheritance.
  14. Implement Method Overloading.
  15. Demonstrate Constructor chaining in Inheritance.
  16. Program that demonstrates fields shadowing.
  17. Demonstrate the use of final.
  18. Implementation of base class reference (Implement Dynamic Binding).
  19. Student database using Interfaces.
  20. Implement string sorting using command line arguments.
  21. Implement any sorting technique for sorting given ‘n’ elements.
  22. Implement possible operations on matrix.
  23. Sorting the characters of a given string.
  24. Program that demonstrate Exception Handling.
  25. Program that demonstrate wrapper classes.
  26. Convert an ordinary text file to HTML file.
  27. copies the content of one file to another file.
  28. Perform DML commands on a particular table.
  29. Implement authentication technique using applets.
  30. Implement event handling in Applets.
  31. Program for Deadlock Handling.
  32. Program for Producer – Consumer problem.
  33. Implement Process Synchronization.
  34. Program that demonstrate process state.
  35. Construct servlet using httpservlet class
  36. Illustration of Initializing, implementing and destroying the servlet.
  37. Program for establishing a socket connection.