MCA 107: C Programming Lab
Lectures: 6 Periods/Week | Sessional Marks: 20 |
University Exam: 3 Hours | University Examination Marks: 80 |
Lab Cycle
- Program to calculate compound interest.
- Program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation.
- Program to average of ‘n’ numbers.
- Program to find wheather the given number is.
- Prime number or not
- Perfect number or not
- Armstrong number or not
- Palindrome or not
- Program to demonstrate function calling multiple times.
- Program to read two integers and print the quotient and remainder of the first number divided by the second number.
- Program to get the following output. Row 1 : 1 2 3 4 5
- Program for sum of digits of an integer number.
- Program for following using Recursion.
- Factorial of a number
- Fibonacci series
- Program to write records in to a file.
- Program to read records from a file sequentially.
- Program to search a record in a file.
- Program to update a record in a file.
- Program to delete a record in a file.
- Program to calculate average of n no’s in an array.
- Program for addition of matrix.
- Program for multiplication of matrix.
- Program for sorting an array.
- Program for row and column total of a two dimensional array.
- Program to sort strings using pointers.
- Program to calculate
- No.of lines
- No.of words
- No.of special characters.
- Program to demonstrate string palindrome.
- Program to demonstrate union in structure.
- Program for
- String Comparison
- String Copy.
- Program to demonstrate call by value and call by reference.
- Program to calculate area of a Hall using macros.
- Program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a text.
Row 2 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 3 : 1 2 3 4 5