MCA 107: C Programming Lab

Lectures: 6 Periods/Week Sessional Marks: 20
University Exam: 3 Hours University Examination Marks: 80

Lab Cycle

  1. Program to calculate compound interest.
  2. Program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation.
  3. Program to average of ‘n’ numbers.
  4. Program to find wheather the given number is.
    1. Prime number or not
    2. Perfect number or not
    3. Armstrong number or not
    4. Palindrome or not
  5. Program to demonstrate function calling multiple times.
  6. Program to read two integers and print the quotient and remainder of the first number divided by the second number.
  7. Program to get the following output.
  8. Row 1 : 1 2 3 4 5
    Row 2 : 1 2 3 4 5
    Row 3 : 1 2 3 4 5
  9. Program for sum of digits of an integer number.
  10. Program for following using Recursion.
    1. Factorial of a number
    2. Fibonacci series
  11. Program to write records in to a file.
  12. Program to read records from a file sequentially.
  13. Program to search a record in a file.
  14. Program to update a record in a file.
  15. Program to delete a record in a file.
  16. Program to calculate average of n no’s in an array.
  17. Program for addition of matrix.
  18. Program for multiplication of matrix.
  19. Program for sorting an array.
  20. Program for row and column total of a two dimensional array.
  21. Program to sort strings using pointers.
  22. Program to calculate
    1. No.of lines
    2. No.of words
    3. No.of special characters.
  23. Program to demonstrate string palindrome.
  24. Program to demonstrate union in structure.
  25. Program for
    1. String Comparison
    2. String Copy.
  26. Program to demonstrate call by value and call by reference.
  27. Program to calculate area of a Hall using macros.
  28. Program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a text.