Dr. M. Sridhar

Designation: Professor
Date of Birth: 15-06-75
Date of Joining: 06-11-2000
Total Teaching experience in this college: 24 Years and 3 Months.
Total Experience : 26 Years and 0 Months. (as on 23-02-2025)
Research Interests: Security in Computing, Data Mining
Ph.D (CSE) from ANU, Guntur.
MCA from SVU, Tirupathi.
B.Sc. (Comp.) from ANU, Guntur.
Membership: CSI (Life Member) and IAENG
Levels of Working:

  • Presently working as Professor, Department of Computer Applications, R.V.R & J.C College of Engg., Guntur, A.P from 1st July, 2022.
  • Worked as Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications, R.V.R & J.C College of Engg., Guntur, A.P from 1st July, 2007.
  • Worked as Sr. Lecturer, Department of Computer Applications, R.V.R & J.C College of Engg., Guntur, A.P from 1st February,2006.
  • Worked as Lecturer, Department of Computer Applications, R.V.R & J.C College of Engg., Guntur, A.P from 6th November, 2000.
  • Worked as Lecturer, Department of Computer Applications, S.V.H College of Engg., Machilipatnam, A.P from 2nd February, 1999.
Member of Committees/Bodies:
  • Training & Placements Committee Member
  • BOS Committee Member in the Department
  • APSSDC Committee Member
  • Anti Ragging Committee Member
Subjects Taught:

Web Services,Web Technologies,Computer Networks,Cloud Computing,Object Oriented Modelling and Design with UML,Operating Systems,Software Testing,Data Mining,Object Oriented Programming through Java Data Structures,Python Programming,Simulation and Modelling,Business Data Processing,Fundamentals of Computers,C programming,Principles of Programming Languages,COBOL Programming,Software Engineering System Programming

Research Experience:
No. of PhD's Awarded : 6
Under Guidance : 1
  • Pradeep Venuthurumilli, Assistant professor, St. Marys Women's Engineering College, was awarded PhD for his thesis on "Optimized Energy and Deadline Aware Scheduling in Cloud" during Februay, 2022.
  • Srinivasa Rao Kanusu, Assistant professor, Yogi Vemana university, was awarded PhD for his thesis on "A Hybrid Meta Heuristic Approach for Optimized Visual Cryptography" during AUGUST, 2021.
  • Ms.C.Priya Ranjani Akunuri, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women, Vijayawada was awarded Ph. D for her thesis on 'A Distributed Web Usage Mining Based Recommender System In Big Data Analytics' during JUNE, 2021.
  • Mr. Kallipalli Venkata Raju, Associate professor of KL Deemed to be University was awarded PhD thesis on "REVIEW BASED SENTIMENT PREDICTION OF RATING USING NATURAL LANGUAGE API WITH BOW APPROACH" during November, 2020.
  • Smt Kotari Sridevi, Assistant Professor of MJCET, Hyderabad was awarded PhD thesis on "SECURE AND QoS ROUTING ENHANCEMENT THROUGH NODE TRUST COMPUTAION MEASURES IN MANETS" during December, 2019.
  • Sirisati Ranga Swamy, Assistant Professor of Vignan's Institute of Management and Technology for Women, Hyderabad was awarded PhD thesis on "A Greedy Stochastic Diffusion Search Based Fuzzy With Energy & Security Aware Scheduling In Cloud" during August, 2019.
  • Dr. M.Srdihar et. al., "Method of Energy and Deadline Based Scheduling of tasks in Cloud Computing using Greedy Algorithm", Indian Patent, Filing date 22.10.2020 and Publication date 06.11.2020 with application number 202041046120.
  • Dr. M.Srdihar et. al., "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF STATISTICAL CLASSIFIERS FOR SHAPE RECOGNITION", Indian Patent, Filing date 05.04.2019 and Publication date 26.04.2019 with application number 201941013879.

Total Journals & Conferences (49) (Scopus Indexed-19, SCI/SCIE-0, Web of Science-10)
International/National Journals (36) (Scopus Indexed-13, SCI/SCIE-0, Web of Science-4)
  1. Kanusu Srinivasa Rao, Mandapati Sridhar, "A Tabu Search Algorithm for General Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes", Ingenierie des Systemised Information, Vol. 26, No.3, 329-335, June 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  2. Kanusu Srinivasa Rao, Mandapati Sridhar, "A Novel Image Encryption Using Parity Based Visual Cryptography", Ingenierie des Systemised Information, Vol. 26, No.1, 135-142, February,2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  3. Kanusu Srinivasa Rao, Mandapati Sridhar, "Sustainable Development of Green Communication through Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes Using a Population Based Incremental Learning Algorithm", Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 11, No.1, 608-624, January, 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  4. Pradeep Venuthurumilli, Dr.M Sridhar Mandapati, 'Hybrid Invasive Weed Optimization with Tabu Search Algorithm for an Energy and Deadline Aware Scheduling in Cloud Computing', International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (Scopus), Vol.11, No.12, 2020.(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  5. Pradeep Venuthurumilli and Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "An Energy and Deadline Aware Scheduling Using Greedy Algorithm for Cloud Computing", Ingenierie des Systemesd'Information (ISI), Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 583 - 590, December, 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed).
  6. Pradeep Venuthurumilli and Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "Hybrid Invasive Weed Optimization with Greedy Algorithm for an Energy and Deadline Aware Scheduling in Cloud Computing",International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol. 8, Issue. 12, pp. 1354 - 1359, October 2019. (SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  7. A.C.Priya Ranjani, and Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "Distributed Web Usage Mining based Recommender System in Big Data Analytics Using Hybrid Firefly-simulated Annealing Algorithm" Jour of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp:40-51, 2019. (SCOPUS Indexed).
  8. Pradeep Venuthurumilli and Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "An Energy and Deadline Aware Scheduling Using Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Computing" Jour of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 06-Special Issue, pp:673 - 682, 2019. (SCOPUS Indexed).
  9. A.C.Priya Ranjani, Dr.M.Sridhar, "Distributed Web Usage Mining Based Recommender System in Big Data Analytics Using Hybrid Firefly Algorithm" International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol. 8, Issue. 4, pp. 386 - 393, Feb 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  10. K.Sridevi, Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "A Unique Trusted Key sharing Scheme for Secure and QoS Routing in MANET", Jour of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09-Special Issue, pp:577 - 585, 2018.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  11. K.Venkata Raju, Dr.M.Sridhar, "Rating Based Sentimental Prediction: A Six Gram Statistical MIN-MAX Approach", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 14, pp. 1456 - 1462, 2018.
  12. Ranga Swamy Sirisati, Dr.Sridhar Mandapati, "A Greedy Stochastic Diffusion Search Based Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud", Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and Advances (JAIRA), pp.1-12, Volume 5, Issue2, 2018.
  13. A.C.Priya Ranjani, Dr.M.Sridhar, "Mining WebLog Data Using Enhanced Map-Reduce Based SOM Algorithm", Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp.1 - 7, 2018.
  14. Venkata RajuKallipalli, Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "Rating Based Sentimental Prediction: A Six GramStatistical Mean-Median Approach", Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp.33 - 42, 2018.
  15. RangaSwamy Sirisati, Dr.Sridhar Mandapati, "A TabuStochastic Diffusion Search Based Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud", International Journal of Research in AdventTechnology (IJRAT), pp.817-823, Volume 6, Issue5, May 2018.
  16. A.C.Priya Ranjani, Dr.M.Sridhar, "Analysis of Web Log Data Using Apache PIG in Hadoop", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), pp.1029-1038, Volume 5, Issue2, May 2018.
  17. Venkata RajuKallipalli, Sridhar Mandapati, "Rating Based Sentimental Prediction-Bag of Words Approach Using Monogram and Bigram", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS), pp.663-671, Volume 10, 01-Special Issue, 2018. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  18. Sirisati RangaSwamy, Sridhar Mandapati, "A fuzzy energy and security aware scheduling in cloud", International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), pp.117-124, Volume 7, 2018. DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i1.2.9021. (SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  19. Sirisati RangaSwamy, Dr.Sridhar Mandapati, "A Rule Selected Fuzzy Energy & Security Aware Scheduling in Cloud", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), pp.2826-2837, Volume 96, issue 10, May 2018.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  20. Sirisati RangaSwamy, Dr.Sridhar Mandapati, "A Greedy Search Aware Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud" International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering- (IJERCSE),pp.111-114,Volume 5,Issue 4, April 2018.
  21. Venkata RajuKallipalli, Sridhar Mandapati, "A Panoptics of Sentimental Analysis" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Pg.No.1036-1041, Volume 8, No. 7, July - August 2017.
  22. K.Sridevi and Dr.M.Sridhar,A research paper on, "A Reliable Trustworthy Approach Based on Node Behavior Prediction for Secure Routing in MANET" International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Systems, Pg.No.230-241, Vol.10, No.6, June 25, 2017.(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  23. K.Sridevi and Dr.M.Sridhar,"Secure and Authorized Approach Node trust Evaluation Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering- (ICRTESTM-2017) - Special Issue, Pg. No. 49 - 54,April 2017.
  24. A.C.Priya Ranjani, Dr.M.Sridhar, "A Proportional Study of Issues in Big Data clustering Algorithm with Hybrid Cs/Pso Algorithm", International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering- (ICRTESTM-2017) - Special Issue, Pg. No. 43 - 48, April 2017.
  25. K.Sridevi and Dr.M.Sridhar, "MQMF: Multiple Quality Measure Factors for Trust Computation and Security in MANET", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: E, Network, Web & Security, Vol.16, pp: 7-14, Issue 3, 2016.
  26. Kanusu Srinivas, RatnakumariChalla, Dr.M.Sridhar, Dr.G.Sreedhar, "Scalable and Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Storage with Elgamal Based Cryptosystem" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Vol.no.6, Issue 3, pp. 52 - 55, March, 2016.
  27. A.C.Priya Ranjani ,Dr.M.Sridhar, "Spark - An Efficient Framework for Large Scale Data Analytics" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol.no.7, Issue 2, pp: 401 - 405, February, 2016.
  28. K.Srinivasa Rao, Ratnakumari Ch, Dr.M.Sridhar, "Effective Data Exchange Mechanism for MANETS Using DIFFIE HELLMAN Key Exchange Algorithm" International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering(IJIRSE), Vol.No.2, Issue 02, pp: 41 - 45, February, 2016.
  29. Dr.M.Sridhar, "Hybrid Genetic Swarm Scheduling for Cloud Computing" Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: B Cloud and Distributed, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 9-14, August 2015.
  30. Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, et al. , "A Mobile Based Women Safety Application(I Safe Apps)" ISOR Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol.17, Issue 1, pp.29-34, DOI:10.9790/0661-17112934, Jan-Feb 2015.
  31. Sridhar Mandapati, Raveendra Babu Bhogapathi, M.V.P.C.SekharaRao,"Classification via Clustering for Anonymization Data", IJCNIS, vol.6, no.3, pp.52-58, 2014. DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2014.03.07. (Web of Science)
  32. M.Sridhar, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu and Ch.RatnaBabu, "A hybrid algorithm for privacy preserving in data mining", International Journal of Intelligent systems and applications(IJISA), pp. 47-53, Volume 5,Issue Number. 8,DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.08.06 August 2013.(Web of Science)
  33. Sri M.Sridhar, Dr.B.RaveendraBabu and Dr.M.V.P.C.SekharaRao, "Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining", International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJCSI), pp 46-51, Volume 10, Issue 2, No 3, March 2013.
  34. Sri.M.Sridhar, Dr.B.RaveendraBabu, "A Fuzzy Approach for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining", International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), pp 1-5, Volume 57- No.18, November 2012.
  35. Sri.M.Sridhar, Dr.B.RaveendraBabu, "Evaluating the Classification Accuracy of Data Mining Algorithms for Anonymized Data", International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications (IJCST), pp 63-67, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012.
  36. Sri.M.Sridhar, Dr.B.RaveendraBabu, "Model Ranking the Classification Accuracy of Data Mining Algorithms for Anonymized Data", JOURNAL OF COMPUTING, pp 45-51, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8, August 2012.
International/National Conferences (13) (Scopus Indexed-06, Web of Science-06)
  1. Dr.M.Sridhar, "Machine Learning based Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging(CMRI) for Cardiac Disease Detection", Second International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(ICSTCEE), Reva University, Bengaluru, December,16-17,2021.
  2. B. V. V. S. Prasad, S. Mandapati, B. Haritha and M. J. Begum, "Enhanced Security for the authentication of Digital Signature from the key generated by the CSTRNG method," 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Tirunelveli, India, 2020, pp. 1088-1093, doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT48917.2020.9214120.(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  3. VenkataRaju K., Sridhar M. (2020) Review-Based Sentiment Prediction of Rating Using Natural Language Processing Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis with Bag-of-Words Approach. In: Luhach A., Kosa J., Poonia R., Gao XZ., Singh D. (eds) First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1045. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0029-9_63.pp. 807-821(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  4. K. S. Rao and M. Sridhar, "A Lossless Secret Image Sharing Scheme based on Bit Sharing Visual Cryptography," 2018 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE), Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp. 1417-1420, doi: 10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9009306.(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  5. SirisatiRangaSwamy, Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, "A Greedy Search Aware Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud" Proceeding of International Conference on Recent Advancements in Computer Science and Communication Technology- (ICRCSR - 18),pp.69-74 ISBN:978-81-937041-6-5, 2018.
  6. K.VenkataRaju, Dr. M.Sridhar, "Sentiment Analysis Inclination A Review", Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC), September 2017, pp. 837 - 841(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  7. KanusuSrinivas, RatnakumariChalla, Dr. M.Sridhar, Dr. G.Sreedhar, "Scalable and Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Storage with Elgamal Based Cryptosystem", Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technol0gy 2016(NCRTIT 2k16), ISSN:2277 128x, pp:52 - 55, March - 2016.
  8. K.SrinivasaRao, RatnakumariCh, M.Sridhar, "Effective Data Exchange Mechanism for MANETS Using DIFFIE HELLMAN Key Exchange Algorithm", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science Engineering and Management (ICRISEM - 16), ISBN - 978-81-932074-1-3, pp: 200 - 205, February, 2016.
  9. Dr. M.Sridhar and Dr. G.Rama Mohan Babu, "Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Scheduling for Cloud Computing", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC), pp.1196-1200, June, 2015. (SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)
  10. K.SrinivasaRao, M.Sridhar, RatnakumariCh, "Web Application Based Security in Cloud Computing", Proceedings of National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (NCICT - 2015), ISBN - 978-93-84935-33-7, pp:260 - 269, March, 2015.
  11. Sridhar Mandapati, DrB.Raveendrababu, "Soft computing Techniques for Privacy Preserving Data Mining", INROADS - An International Journal of Jaipur National university, Vol.3, No.1, January - June, 2014.
  12. M.Sridhar, Dr. B.RaveendraBabu and Dr. M.V.P.C.SekharaRao, "A Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining", Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication and Advanced Network(ICCCAN 2013), pp:56 - 60, March 2013.
  13. Ch.RatnaBabu, M.Sridhar and Dr.B.RaveendraBabu, "Improved PRVC Algorithm For Halftone - Images", Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology (NCETIT), Elsevier, pp:1-4, March, 2013.
  14. Ch.RatnaBabu, M.Sridhar and Dr. B.RaveendraBabu, "Information Hiding in Gray Scale Images using Pseudo - Randomized Visual Cryptography Algorithm for Visual Information Security", Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Information Systems & Computer Networks(ISCON), pp:195-199, March 2013.(SCOPUS Indexed, Web of Science)

Research Papers presented in National / International Conferences:
  1. Paper titled "Enhanced Security for the the authentication of Digital Signature from the key generated by the CSTRNG method" in the 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2020) organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India on 20 - 22, August 2020.
  2. Paper titled "A Greedy Search Aware Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud" in International conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT - 18) organized by Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology and Institute for Engineering Research and Publication, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, during 6th - 7th April, 2018.
  3. Paper titled "Sentimental Analysis Inclination A Review" in International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication-2017(ICCTCEEC), organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, during 8th - 9th September, 2017.
  4. Paper titled, "Scalable and Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Storage with Elgamal Based Cryptosystem", in National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technol0gy 2016(NCRTIT 2k16) at Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada on 24th March, 2016.
  5. Paper titled "Effective Data Exchange Mechanism for MANETS Using DIFFIE HELLMAN Key Exchange Algorithm", in 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science Engineering and Management (ICRISEM - 16) at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Techn0logy, Srikakulam on 27th February, 2016.
  6. Paper titled "Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Scheduling for Cloud Computing", in IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC) jointly organized by B.M.S College of Engineering and IEEE Bangalore Chapter, Bangalore from 12th -13th June, 2015.
  7. Paper titled "Web Application Based Security in Cloud Computing", in National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (NCICT - 2015) at Dravidian university, Kuppam from 26th - 27th ,March, 2015.
  8. Paper titled "Soft computing Techniques for Privacy Preserving Data Mining", in 1st International conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology (IAET 2014) at Jaipur National University, Jaipur from 7th - 8th March, 2014.
  9. Paper titled "Improved PRVC Algorithm For Halftone - Images", in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technolgoy(NCETIT 2013) at GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam from 29th - 30th March, 2013.
  10. Paper titled "A Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining", in International Conference on Computing, Communication and Advanced Network (ICCCAN 2013) at Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai form 15th - 17th March, 2013.
  11. Paper titled "Information Hiding in Gray Scale Images using Pseudo - Randomized Visual Cryptography Algorithm for Visual Information Security", in International Conference on Information Systems & Computer Networks (ISCON 2013) at GLA university, Mathura from 9th - 10th March, 2013.
  12. Paper titled, "Redundant versus Non-redundant subspace clustering in high-dimensional data" in National conference on Information Technology Enabled Services - 2010 at AdikaviNannya University , Rajahmundry from 22nd to 23rd October, 2010.
Lectures Delivered:
  1. Delivered a talk on 'Cluster Analysis', in a Two-day National Level Workshop on 'Evolutionary Computing: An Intelligent Problem Solving for Science and Engineering Applications' during 27th and 28th November, 2015.

Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Online Coursed/Workshops Attended:
  1. FDP on 'Outcome Based Education & Blooms Taxonomy', conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary college, Kolkata, Nov.8-15, 2021.
  2. One week online AICTE STTP on 'Blockchain Technology and its Applications (Slot-III)', Department of CSE,Sri Devi Women's Engineering College, Hyderabad, 22-27, March, 2021.
  3. Six day AICTE online STTP on 'Recent Trends in CSE Phase-III', Department of CSE,St. Mary's Women's Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, 22-27, March, 2021.
  4. Six day AICTE online STTP on 'Recent Trends in CSE Phase-II', Department of CSE,St. Mary's Women's Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, 8-13, March, 2021.
  5. Six day AICTE online STTP on 'Recent Trends in CSE Phase-I', Department of CSE,St. Mary's Women's Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, 22-27, February, 2021.
  6. One week online AICTE STTP on 'Blockchain Technology and its Applications (Slot-II)', Department of CSE,Sri Devi Women's Engineering College, Hyderabad, 25-30, January, 2021.
  7. Webinar on 'Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence', IIMT College of Management Greater Noida, 2020.
  8. One week online AICTE STTP on 'Blockchain Technology and its Applications (Slot-I)', Department of CSE,Sri Devi Women's Engineering College, Hyderabad,Dec.03-08,2020.
  9. Completed online STTP on "Sensors, IoT& Machine Learning" from 1st June 2020 to 5th June 2020 conducted by, K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai.
  10. Participated in the webinar on "Machine Learning for Beginners" held on 23rdMay 2020 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Narayana Engineering College, Gudur.
  11. Participated in the webinar on "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence" conducted on 8thMay 2020 organized by IIMT College of Management, Greater Noida.
  12. Completed 22.5 total hours of Ultimate Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer 2020 online course on May 5, 2020 conducted by Google Cloud Platform Gurus and Udemy.
  13. Participated in a One-week FDP on " Deep Learning and Applications" Jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academies held from December 9 - 13, 2019 through National Knowledge Network under the "Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies" by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
  14. Contributed as a course coordinator during the one day blended mode workshop on 'R' conducted by IIT Bombay, on 09 November 2019 at RVRJCCE, Guntur.
  15. Participated in one day coordinators workshop on 'R' conducted by RVRJCCE, IIT Bombay, on 12th October, 2019.
  16. Attended one week FDP on "Blockchain Application Development using Hyperledger", conducted by Dept. of CSE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, during 28th Jan - 2nd Feb, 2019.
  17. Attended a one day workshop on "Swayam - NPTEL Awareness Workshop" conducted by IIT Madras, RVRJCCE, on 7th December, 2018.
  18. Successfully completed One - Week STTP through ICT Mode on "Outcome Based Education and Acceredition" organized by RVRJCCE, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research(NITTTR), Kolkata, during 24- 28September, 2018.
  19. Participated in 5 day FDP on "Salesforce Essential for Business Specialists" conducted by ICT Academy from 06th - 10th August, 2018 at VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
  20. Successfully completed and scored 85% marks in the Two - Week FDP on "Mentoring Educators in Edcational Technology (FDP301x)"conducted by IIT Bombay from May17, 2018 to July 05, 2018.
  21. Attended a 1-Day Workshop on 'World Skills' conducted by APSSDC,VR Siddhartha College, Kanuru, Vijayawada on 30.01.2018
  22. Participated in a Two - Day SaptahaantShikshakPrashikshan on "Introduction to Machine Learning" conducted by IIT Kharagpur on 16th - 17th December, 2017.
  23. Attended a 2-Day Faculty Improvement Programme on 'AWS Technical Essentials' which was jointly conducted by AWS and APSSDC, from 12th - 13thOctober,2017.
  24. Participated in International Conference on 'Current Tends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication', organized by the Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, during 8-9 September, 2017.
  25. Attended a one-week Short term course on 'Multimedia Tools and Utilities through ICT' organized by the Dept. of CSE, RVRJCCE, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research(NITTTR), Chandigarh, during 27- 31 March, 2017.
  26. Attended IBM Faculty Improvement Program on 'IBM Cloud Computing' organized by APSSDC, during 17 - 26 Oct., 2016 .
  27. A four-week FDP on 'Use of ICT in Education Online and Blendedlearning' organized by RVRJCCE, IIT Bombay Remote Centre during 2 May - 10 July 2016.
  28. A five day Faculty Development Program on 'Java Fundamentals and Programming' organized by the Oracle Academy, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur, during 20-24, June, 2016.
  29. Attended a one day Workshop on 'MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Education' organized by the MathWorks India, Vijayawada on 5th February, 2016.
  30. Attended a two day Workshop on 'Internet of Things (IoT)' organized by the Department of CSE, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, during 21-22 August 2015.
  31. Attended one week Workshop on 'Research Challenges and Issues in Big Data and Cloud Computing' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTUH-University College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, 27 - 31 January, 2015.
  32. Two day National Workshop on 'Big Data and Cloud Computing for Bioinformatics Applications' School of Computer Technology and Applications, Department of Computer Technology-UG,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu, 9 -10 January, 2015.
  33. A two day workshop on "National Workshop on Research Issues in Information Retrieval" organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur from 2nd - 3rd May, 2014.
  34. A two day National workshop on "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Using MATLAB" organized by the Department of Information Technology, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur from 21st - 22nd April, 2014.
  35. A three day International Conference on "Data Sciences (InDas 2014)" organized by Departments of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad from 26th -28th February, 2014.
  36. A two day MATLAB workshop on "Soft Computing Techniques for Image Analysis" organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada from 18th- 19th, December 2013.
  37. A one day National workshop on "Network Attacks and Countermeasure Techniques" organized by the School of Computing Sciences, VIT Chennai on October 19th , 2013.
  38. A two day workshop on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS" organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Guntur from 17th - 18th March, 2013.
  39. Two day National level workshop on "Research and Best Practices in Cloud Security" organized by Department of Computer Applications, K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, during 23-24 January, 2013.
  40. A two day international conference on "Advantage AP - 2012: Annual IT Summit" organized by Department of IT and Communications Government of AP, HICC, Hyderabad from 21st - 22nd June, 2012.
  41. Attended a three-day training programme on "Wireless Lab" by M/s.Shell Networks, Hyderabad during 27th to 29th December, 2010.
  42. One day Workshop on "FREE SOFTWARE - AN ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE" on 04-12-2010, held at R.V.R& J.C College of Engineering, GUNTUR.
  43. A two day workshop on "Research Trends in Data Warehousing and Data Mining" organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad from 27th - 28th August, 2010
  44. A two week SDP on "Web Security", sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Guntur from 17th -29th November, 2008.
  45. A two day national workshop on "Network Security, Ethical Hacking and Cyber Attacks", sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of I.T, SreeVidyaniketan Engineering College, Tirupathi from 19 - 22 April, 2005.
  1. Awarded as best research paper presentation in International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT - 2018), organized by Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology and Institute for Engineering Research and Publication, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, during 6th - 7th April, 2018.
  2. Appointed as member of the Board of studies in MCA for a period of three years w.e.f.13/07/2017, KakarapartiBhavanaryana PG College (Autonomous), Vijayawada.
  3. Awarded "Certificate of Excellence" from IIT, Bombay regarding Online FDP on "Use of ICT in Education Online and Blended Learning".
Contact Details:
Official MailID: sridhar [at] rvrjc.ac.in
Personal MailID: mandapati12 [at] gmail.com
Phones: +91 99897 84709(P), 94910 73318 Ext: 392(O)